Wednesday, January 16, 2008

On buddha and the wave particle duality

This is the 3rd message in my series of Email discussions about life with my friend. This one covers mostly

The way i see it, buddha was right when he said that the only way to escape
existance or to truly end it all is to stop desiring for something and to be
in the wave instead of the particle. To be in the state of not making a
choice instead of being in the state of making a choice.

Most spiritual people misunderstand this and throw away everything they have and then become attached to having nothing. That is only the first step, the real task is not in throwing everything away and becoming a monk, thats the easy part. The real challenge is truly to let go of everything, of all the choice and simply be in the moment, to no longer assign value, to no longer make a choice of who i want to be in regards to all this things around and simply be. No long saying that "evil is that and good is that and this is where i wish to be", instead simply being here. To stop and let the wind no longer go around you but to simply go through you.

But that only applies once one has experienced everything else, once there truly is nothing more one can want. If one desires to die that is still a desire, when one no longer desires then once existance will really end. As i see it, those that preach that there is only one universal goal, that everyone will in the end reach nirvana and STAY in nirvana do not understand anything about life. It is true that everyone will reach nirvana but like a wheel turning all parts of the wheel will at some point be the "top" and all parts will at some point be the "bottom" it i simply a matter of when. Those who lead people to nirvana, the buddhas and the likes are needed to maintain the wheel just as those that lead people out of nirvana are needed to maintain the wheel. What matters is not who is out there, who leads people towards "up" and who leads people towards "down". Those who lead towards enlightenement and those who lead towards darkness. It is important to always remeber that a picture needs both light and dark to develope. a single color is just that, a single color but add even one more and you can have an infinite amount of shapes. There will, as far as i can see, always be souls that want to experience physical life.

Only when we realise that we do not guide people to buddhahood or enlightenement because the goal is what matters, but because it is the individual that matters. We mustn go around preaching to people about how to reach a state of enlightenement but to go around and ask them, what do they want to be? When our purpose in guiding is self motivated, that to reach buddhahood faster we must help others, to earn some sort of good karma that will help us we are turning blind to the harm we do. If what the student wants is not buddhahood but to learn about cutting grass then we are forcing our will on them. Our desire to be buddhas, our nature over theirs and we immidiatly lose any possibility of becoming a buddha. The second we start seeing the lowest being, the worm, the ant, the fly or even chairman Mao as any less worthy than we are we lose the buddha nature. That is not to say we musnt eat, we musnt let our immune system destroy bacteria and countless small life forms that live on our suffering. It only means that when we kill them we must also love them. That we must truly love our worst enemy as we love ourselfs.

[Note: I cut out some private info here that shouldnt be posted online]

Might be a suprise to many but if a person has ADHD and they take amphetamines they calm down, Why? Because their energy and mind struggles to keep up at a pace that they are unfit to do, so they go into a hyperactive mode that than crashes again and again as they try to keep up. Same applies to the soul, stop trying to be perfect and understand everything when you might not be ready for it, simply sit and let the truth come to you.

A warrior knows when to fight.
A worrier never knows when to quit.


I hope my fairly odd rambles helped you ^_^

Edit to correct an inproper copying which resulted in wrong parts being of the text being removed

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