Wednesday, January 16, 2008

On the topic of life

This is the 2nd message in my series of converstations over Email with my friend. This one is an attempt to convey the uncertainty of life and all that. Once again i apologize for the typos and errors.


PS: Excuse me if this is a bit rambling and incoherant once again.

The purpose of life is an interesting dilemma. On the one hand developing the mind does invariably lead to psychic and telekinetic abilities which will, in time lead to existance that totally gives up the body and turns to energy. Existance if focused too strongly on working with the mind and forgoing physical existance can lead to a new balanced state in a state with no physical existance. If however one desires continued existance and balance in this world then working with the body is obviously neccesary as well.

There must be a reason why we are placed in this particular situation. As i study things it seems likely to me that the reason we are here is simply that we are here. There is no specific all encompassing reason to our existance on this world.

Even at the best of times we can only buckle up and hope it is a good ride. We can try to understand, gather knowledge and in all ways try to increase our awareness but if there really was a single answer to all things in life then it is very unlikely that there were so many warying thoughts on it.

Perhaps the irony is such that life has no meaning, that once we die we really turn to dust. As i see it there must be something beyond that. There are so many experiments in physics and various pseudo-sciences that make it likely life survives beyond death but is it truly certain. Can it truly be known what there is after death.

Can it be so that all we can hope of from life is that we do not waste the chance our ancestors gave us and we dont destroy the world we hand to our children. Even if i can move objects with my mind and read peoples thoughts hundreds of miles away that in itself is not proof enough that there is life after death. It is simply proof that while i live i can do these things. Even if there is life after death i can only ask what kind of life would it be, how much would i remeber and how many people would be there. Trying to grasp something as vast as a place beyond life for an universe that has 500 billion galaxies each with 500 million stars even when something as small as a human has billions of different lifeforms inside of them.

How would such an afterworld be organized i wonder. Then again, i'm just rambling on at this point.

The irony, the real irony, is that how ever much we can prove that we can get information from beyond the grave there is always another explanation for it. Even if someone comes back and says things that only he could know, to verify those claims someone else has to know it and immidiatly the question of communal aura comes to play. Perhapse it is not really the person come back but a reflection of all the people gathered there.

Then again i write these words not because i invented language and i invented computers and all of this. I write these words because the universe has spent almost 15 billion years evolving and leading up to a point where i can sit here on my big butt and wonder about such things. I am in essence simply a collection of ideas from a universe vastly bigger than i can ever hope to understand. The universe itself is composed of nothing more than basic forms of matter that react to thoughts. I can look at a light particle and it changes it shape and funcgtion depending on what i think of when i look at it. Yet who is the observer that looks. What is this creature that sits here and writes these questions. We are in a world that gave birth to something that, through the power of the mind can shape that very world. So is it not possible that we are the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end. The creator and the created.

That we, who sit here and write and read and live, through our existance in the world create the world. There truly is, nothing to this thing called existance. It is shadows playing in the dark when the flame on the candle flickers, which created which i wonder.

Perhaps there really is no center to life, that there is no afterlife because there is no life to begin with. There is no death beacuse there is no birth. There is no past because there is no future. That there really is nothing outside of the most hated concept. Ego.

Cognito ego sum, ego ergo sum. I think therefore i am, i am therefore i am.

The things that really going to "bake my noodle later on" is would the universe have been born if i wasnt born. What truly gave birth to me and through all that, who truly am i.

The circle is strangely complete when the holographic universe gives birth to a creature that gives birth to the holographic universe, the end onto itself. The inverted 8 As above so belove.

Anyway, yeah, thats my thought of the day.

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