Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Emotions and the first exercise

Writing exercises is by default extremely difficult. While it is easy to figure of an exercise that might accomplish a desired result on a single person. It is far more difficult to try to form a rigid exercise that will work on anyone trying to accomplish a result. That is why while these and other exercises I put forth should only be understood as general guidelines they might or might not work for you specifically. So personal consultation is advised if these exercises don’t work. And as always use your common sense and deductive skills to figure out the best path from where you are now (less than perfect in healing) to where you want to be (better than you are now) and work towards that. That being said, no one is likely to ever be perfect for everyone on the planet as what some patients like some patients hate. It is very counterproductive and self destructive to try to please everyone, so instead of trying to be everything to everyone. Figure out what you wish
to do, what kind of a healer you desire to be and work with that.

Now. This is the most basic exercise, far more important than "try to heal plants with thought" since if you cant recognize illness from health then attempts to heal anything could result in far more damage than health. You'll need a friend for this, if you don’t have any friends then stop reading and go out to make some friends. If you got no one to help and no one who wants to help you then you don’t need to learn healing, you need to go into a better neighborhood. The purpose of this exercise then is to develop a sense of emotions in others. Most people have some kind of sense what other people are feeling at any given moment but surprisingly mane have very twisted emotional perceptions and emotional generators.

You and your friend start by looking directly at each others face, the friend is supposed to do the transmitting while you do the receiving. The friend portrays emotions and you try to pick them up, you can start easy and allow the transmitter to change the expression on his face for each emotion but doing that is fairly pointless for more than a couple of times. After that the transmitter should be as natural as possible and not do anything with his face and simply focus on an experience that generates an emotion. For example, focusing on love, hate, fear, loathing and things like that. Then after the accuracy gets close to
100% the transmitter should turn his/her back to the receiver and do the same exercise, If the accuracy drops too dramatically (to mere guessing level) then it is probably smart to tune it down a little. Instead of turning around the transmitter should close his/her eyes and put sash on the lower part of his face but keep some of his face still visible. Either way move towards harder and harder ways to see the emotions of the other person as the receiver progresses. Slowly go from the starting exercise (facing you with eyes open and doing obvious signs of the emotion) to the hardest (both of you being in different rooms).

As your emotional sensing with one person evolves it is likely you'll be able to match the emotions from that one person to other people of that emotional arch-type with relative accuracy. Once you've developed sharp enough senses to detect the emotions of one type of person
you'll have to move onto the next personality archetype. As it is fairly likely that your friends fall to one general category it might be a tad bit difficult to get people of other personality archetypes to agree to help you. You'll have to be sneaky and focus on people in school, work, the bus, your apartment.

Be methodical, make notes to yourself and be honest with yourself. Try to sense someone’s emotional states and try to gauge your accuracy by how they react to other people. They might not be willing to help you, but since people continuously broadcast their
emotional states all around them, with a bit of focus, harsh criticism and the occasional "what are you looking at?" yelled at you, you'll get better at it. At least there is a whole world out there acting all the different emotions just for you to spot them.

Now, once your emotional detection is in the high accuracy range you can move onto trying to detect if the people are sick and if they even want your help. With emotional detection you can notice if the person is in pain, denial, sexual repression and so on. The ability to spot the emotion your patient is having is sometimes far, far more important than being able to spot the illness your patient has. Hands on healing is mostly very subtle and depends greatly on the patients reactions to you as well as your ability. If you use a specific type of energy and the patient doesn’t react well to it and you don’t see it then the patient has the perceived upper hand on you as they can then proceed to lie to you about how good it feels when in reality they could feel miserable and not be able to tell. As a healer it is your duty to be able to see if you are helping the patient or not. Sometimes it is of course necessary for the patient to feel miserable about something, repressed sadness for example is difficult and mostly pointless to cure by forcing the sadness out without allowing the person to experience it. So miserableness is called for at times.

Only after your very confident in your ability to spot the different emotions should you even consider going into healing. You could be very good at transforming the energy field of the patient but without a sense of empathy, a sense of even knowing what that the patient is feeling you've already lost half your patients.

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