Thursday, December 4, 2008

Scifi story i wrote

Spellchecked version:

I saw this world in a flash of imagination, it’s not a real world, yet. How this world began, how it differed from our world was an event in 2010 or so. For a few glimpses all the people on earth woke up from the dream they call reality, walking around asleep. For a few brief moments they understood the beauty of everything, how all life is sacred beyond words yet all life is transient. They could feel how their actions affected the universe, how the universe made them, all the secrets of their lives and finally they could, for a few short moments, see how the world around them was filled with spirits, both benevolent and malevolent. What followed was a period of months where frantic efforts to understand what just happened took place. The religions quickly lost their meaning since no one needed to be told there is no heaven or hell, there is no purgatory or Elysium. In the years that followed, humanity understood the driving force behind many of the wars on this world was not the human mind and the human desire, but the desire of others who live on this world. Spirits and entities, creatures of the night and creatures of the day. All the while they live here and they live amidst us but they are never us. One might call them vampires or demons or akuzas. The name doesn’t matter, what matters is that they were entities that manipulated us, who took our dreams, our desires and our yearnings and turned it against us. Those who desired peace were left alone, those who desired to speak were struck mad and simply sat in emptiness speaking as they gently rocked back and forth. Once, long ago, it was what we desired, we took an apple from the tree of knowledge, we reached to experience this world, but now it is no longer a world we wanted, what we wanted from now we did not know but we did know that for now, this is not what we wanted. Keeping our desire to want a new dream we woke up, we looked around us and said, "you are no longer welcome here spirits, this is our world, our dream and you must leave, we command it." Then they left, in all quietness the power of a billion minds in unison screaming silently focused the whole universe for a moment and they had no choice but to go. The cycle was broken, the dream was remade and we could no longer be in what we were. When we were longer in what we were they had nothing to gain from us and those who wanted nothing from us, those who were guiding us took a step back, looked, and said, "my pupil, you are no ready to stand on your own, I wish you the best as I take a step back and rest." 

So in 2010, we woke up, screamed silently in our mind and the world was struck empty by our psychic blast. The next few centuries would be our golden age, when our civilization reached such heights as never before. There was no galactic brotherhood to come to our age for the good form no such nets for the good understand the good of all, to form a net to protect you from what you desire is to imply the universe can do no such thing. The good would not be so arrogant. There was no galactic evil to come and consume us, for a billion mind saying no in unison was enough to keep the most adamant predators away, like a light shone in the it kept the animals at bay and any who were drawn by the light were burned by the light until there were none. So we sat and thought, who do we want to be, where do we want to go from here, do we want to keep this shared dream or disperse to the four corners of the universal wind. It was decided that for the next thousand years we would think of this, think of what we desired to do. A thousand years is a long time to wait so we needed something to do, a plan was quickly set upon. We decided that no matter what we do we would need to clear our past, not for our karma since there is no punishment, not for our soul since there is no heaven or hell, not for any outsider since there were none, simply for ourselves, since there was nothing but our own minds with us for the next thousand years. What we did was marvelous, having dreamed many a work of fiction I’ve seen many a world with beauty beyond words. Having shared in many a dream of fiction I’ve seen many a world with beauty beyond words. So I ask that you, dear participant in this dream, understand when I say what I saw was beyond the world beyond dreams. What I saw was a world come together, join together and help life together, I saw the creation of a soul. When all the pieces of a man, formed in a dream but shattered in a nightmare come together to form a single spirit, these single shards of reality coalesce and form a vast stellar nebula of dreams. A nebula that spreads itself across the surface of the planet, gives shape to dreams and reality to those little wishes that have nothing but the emptiness of space and the totality of the other side. Without this nebula of dreams nothing would happen, the dreams of knightly orders who battle evil, the dreams of doctors who save lives, the dreams of men and women to form a family and stretch the boundaries of life would be nothing if not for those little shards. The little shards that stand in the middle, that ebb and flow between this world and the other. The little drops of water at the riptide that give the oceans their endless struggle with land. 

What we did was magnificent, in a year we knew what the first step would be, the first step on this long but easy path of our first steps. They were our first steps since in the eon preceeding this moment we were never alone, there were evils to harm us, good to protect us and the cloak of illusion around us to keep us warm. Now we were walking on our own for the first time. The first step would be both, the way which we take the step and the first path on the road. Stumble here and we would fall, face first and those who guard us would cringe in pain but urge us on. We knew that this quiet time of introspection would require peace of the unprecedented kind, global peace and global end to war and conflicts was a forgone conclusion. The peace we sought was the peace of solitude, the peace of withdrawing from our old habits and starting new ones. The peace found only in a crowd of few. So we decided that there would need to be less of us. When the decision was made there was no outcry, no public anger, private anger or anger of any kind, there was simple determination to give all souls that lived as humans the choice to stay as humans and join us in this thousand year reflection on who we are. Five hundred million of us, that was to be the number. The number we would keep for the next thousand years. There would be no deaths beyond the natural, all life was sacred and every moment of life was to be protected as adamantly as all life in the universe. So what was called for was a lottery, a lottery not on those who would live but a lottery on those who would give birth, only one in twenty would stay as they were and the rest would be sterilized. It was a decision that came from the deepest conviction in the human heart, the conviction to see every living creature as an equal, like a child of once own. To give our children, the creatures of earth rest and respite. Realizing that one world would not be enough to redeem us for our past we set about breathing life to all the quiet corners of our home. The pressure cooker of Venus, the quiet plains of Mars, the ever watchful Luna. 

A quiet moment was taken and a quiet moment was given. How would we breath life to these planets, how would we bring them to fruition. What would it take for every nook and cranny of these small worlds to crawl with life? For Venus it was decided that life much like that found in the depths of the ocean was what is called for. Carefully studying all the life on earth, mapping it, slowly and meticulously building a new life. Like a parent carefully making clothes for a dear child we sew together a new life, a life that could gently rock as the wind blew past in the cloud tops of Venus. It was small, smaller than what could be seen but still it held a promise never before heard, a promise of life on that harshest of worlds. The creature we made was a simple creature, a cell no bigger than those found on a human, fit to survive in the atmosphere and use the sunlight, the nutrients and all that was available to make copies of itself. To stop it from sinking too deep and burning we gave it long strands like tendrils that would extend from its center out into the heavens. The higher it rose in the atmosphere the less pressure it would feel and the cell would expand and the strands would contract and it would start to sink again as the air could no longer carry it with it. As it sank deeper the pressure would squeeze it tight in its grip and the tendrils would expand outwards from the core and catch the wind rushing by and lift it up. These we seeded to the great gaseous ocean of Venus. The atmosphere so thick that our creation could be born in the air and die in the air, spend its life floating on a sea of wind. Then we watched and waited, would the life we birthed triumph, bring life to the hottest of worlds or would it immolate and succumb. We did not need to watch for long when the first signs of its success became apparent and not long after that there were vast shoals of the new life floating in the wind. The small cells connected to each other by their long tendrils and not long afterwards they were riding the wind like a vast flight of birds. Gradually Venus’s green and yellow atmosphere was filled with patches of all the colors of the rainbow. The creatures we made reflected the light of the sun back out again helping Venus cool. For as long as they would survive Venus would glow like a million rainbows for all to see. 

To help earth breath free of the pollutions of farming and fishing we turned to Venus. A planet now teeming with life and energy, a planet waiting to cool down and exhale the thick coat it has. A planet waiting to let go of the long lifeless winter and watch life pour all across its surface. To ease its burden we made ships both small and big and like the fishermen of our home Earth used to do we pulled our nets behind us as we rode in the great wave flickering with the colors of the rainbow. The life we gave to Venus is giving life back to earth. The cells we gather were used to feed a planet forced to bear the burden of many mouths for a long time. Even with all the advances left behind by our former masters we still needed a home, food and shelter, we still needed to live on this world and this world still wanted us to live here. A planet breathing heavily after an ordeal of giving birth. A planet looking at us, its children and asking, what will you be little once, how will you treat the one who gave you life. To ease the burden on our home we looked elsewhere for the last ingredient we needed, a planet that needed what we had and we needed what it had. We looked to mars. 

Mars, a planet so cold and stripped of air that its once vast oceans were now little more than dry riverbeds and vast plateaus. What we needed was what mars could provide, a home for our great machines, a home for us to build what we needed to build. For many centuries Venus would provide the food as it slowly cooled so too mars would provide the machines as it slowly warmed. It was decided that to help mars all of our industry would be move there. As quickly as could be done we moved everything we would need and the rest we gave back to nature. Soon the peaks and hills of mars were filled with humans of all shapes and sizes. Building and working to bring to fruition an old spirit in humanity, the spirit of the new, the pioneer, the spirit of the one who dreams of better things, of bolder worlds. It was decided that mars would need the great shocks of heat that only a meteorite could provide, the great shocks of heat that a dead world needed to wake to a new era. First the two moons, the loyal friends that had seen many things as they gently danced around mars were to plummet to the North Pole in a final dance that would bring its old dance partner back to life. Then many more, from all the corners of the solar system we searched for them, large and small and they were sent on the long fall to the surface. For centuries we confined ourselves to but a fraction of the surface of mars, letting nature do her work while we did ours. As heat flowed to the surface of mars the vast oceans locked in the deep cold bosom of mars were released. As water slowly began to flow the old riverbeds came to life like the veins on a man who only recently let out his final sigh. Like the steady pulse of a heart filled with life, the comets came tumbling down the long hill, until finally coming to rest on the surface. The heat slowly let the rivers flow and the surface melt. More would be needed if we wanted mars to truly come alive. Thousands and thousands of rocks small and large were sent plummeting to the surface until finally hardly anyone could recognize the once serene planet. Vast mountains were formed and mars gained a new life. The planet now bigger than before could no longer hold the ice locked within and the great oceans were filled once more. 

After centuries of this the only thing lacking from mars was the last step. To bring life here, to this once barren world now filled with oceans so vast that the great mariners of earth would call them by different names. Many forms of life were slowly planted on this world, forms of life that would bring a new layer to the world, a new intricate part to the whole. After centuries of plummeting rocks and rising oceans the last pioneers were ready to leave the world, their work down, what earth needed was built, what we needed was done and the planet was ready to be released from our hold. First there were the lichens, the moss, the bacteria, and the krill, all those that were small, all those that could survive. Then it was the depth of the sea, the deep sea animals, for the sea was a gentle host, in the sea you could survive. There were sharks in the sea of mars before there were more than ants living on land. The sea was teeming with life and slowly the bands of green like the leaves of a tree, expanded from the rivers reaching the land. It would take a long time but mars would be alive again. The few humans that remained behind were there to observe, to monitor, and to slowly guide life until it could stand on its own when even they would have to leave. Mars would be a quiet world, a world reserved for the animals that need a home, the souls that we harmed could all live there, with the promise that they would be safe there for the next thousand years.

The centuries that mars felt the impact of many a comet of heat were the centuries we used to build what we needed. Houses to replace those that would slowly fall and crumble, the cities that would crumble under nature's slow expansion into the lands we used. As we gave way to the plants and animals that needed homes we gave up our great cities and looked for new homes. Many would still remain on earth but as there we far fewer of us there were vast areas that were left entirely to nature. The centuries we needed were used to build mighty machines of protection that would keep out all those who lived outside of our home who wanted to use us or the planets we so carefully guided. It would be our next duty in this process we started, the duty of watching over the life we owe a debt to. The few million of us that remained on earth would carefully tend to our children, educate them in the history of us, how we waged war, how we made music, how we finally came to understand, how we came to wake up. The rest were guarding us, our home and the planets we all nurture.

After a millennium of peace and life earth would still be the same, when you stand on the surface of Luna and look down you could still see the familiar shapes, years of change would create lakes where there were rivers, hills where there were valleys and life where there was none. Earth would still be Earth. If you stand there and look at Venus you could see the familiar spot in the sky but it would no longer be yellow and green, nor would it shimmer in the colors of the rainbow, it would glow in a familiar blue and green hue, the waves of life on the winds of Venus long gone, years of careful and ponderous steps have brought life to all the smallest of canyons and the largest of fields. Life accustomed to so much sunshine, to so much heat that it would not live anywhere else. A world where humans have never set foot, a world where humans would be the aliens, a world filled with so much life that jungles in the deepest parts of the world would be the only place that could stand next and not feel ashamed. Turn your gaze to another direction and see the surface of mars. Life there evolved to a pace not seen anywhere, the unbearable lightness of being holds special meaning to this world, a world where the animals are large, the life is fast and nearly every form of life can fly. Like the whales on the oceans of Earth there are massive creatures floating in the sky of mars, creatures that dwarf even the largest of animals ever seen before. Creatures that find floating easy in the light gravity of a planet still so small. One thing holds true for all three worlds. Life is teeming on their surface and humanity is proudly protecting them. No longer living at home but not yet out in the stars most of us are living on Luna. The ever quiet watcher, the one that always watches the earth, watches our children, the life on earth as it slowly heals. Deep cities carved into the depths of the moon give us shelter, a home a place where we can live and share a dream of what we wish to be, of what our future holds, what we want to do now that we have left the cradle. Like an ant network our caves and homes stretch for vast distances underground and like ants we share our best ideas in anticipation for the time when our long watch ends a millennium after we first woke up.

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